Navigating the GOSI Portal UAE: A Complete Guide


  • GOSI (General Organization for Insurance) is a major government entity in Saudi Arabia that ensures mandatory insurance coverage for eligible individuals.
  • GOSI provides social insurance benefits such as financial support for retirement, disability, or death, as well as medical care for work-related injuries or occupational diseases.
  • The GOSI portal is an online platform that allows users to access various services, including obtaining certificates, submitting payments, and checking contribution statements.
  • To use the GOSI portal, individuals and establishments need to register and create an account, providing the required information and documents.
  • The GOSI portal offers a straightforward process for navigating its features, including logging in, navigating the dashboard, registering for services, submitting payments, checking contribution statements, and applying for certificates.
  • Users can also manage their GOSI profile by updating personal information and adding or removing dependents.


GOSI Portal UAE: A Complete Guide plays a vital role in providing social insurance coverage and benefits to employees and employers in Saudi Arabia. Established in 1973, GOSI operates independently and aims to ensure financial security and social welfare for eligible individuals and their families.

GOSI offers a wide range of benefits, including financial support for retirement, disability, or death, as well as medical care for work-related injuries or occupational diseases. These benefits provide individuals with a safety net and ensure a decent standard of living post-employment.

The GOSI portal, an online platform, simplifies the process of accessing these benefits and managing social insurance-related tasks. From obtaining certificates outlining contribution history to submitting payments and checking contribution statements, the GOSI portal provides users with a convenient way to navigate GOSI services.

Understanding the GOSI Portal UAE

The GOSI portal is an online platform provided by the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) in Saudi Arabia. It allows users to access various services and benefits related to social insurance. The GOSI portal is designed to simplify the process of obtaining certificates, submitting payments, checking contribution statements, and managing GOSI profiles. It is a user-friendly platform that offers a straightforward process for navigating its features. The GOSI portal is available to individuals and establishments in Saudi Arabia and provides essential services to ensure financial security and social welfare for eligible individuals and their families, including obtaining a GOSI contribution certificate which contains details about a contributor’s wages and tenure of contribution.

What is GOSI?

The General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) is a major government entity in Saudi Arabia that was established in 1973. It operates under the Social Insurance Law, which was issued under Royal Decree No. M/22 on 15/11/1969. GOSI’s primary objective is to ensure mandatory insurance coverage for eligible individuals, collect contributions from employers, and disburse benefits to eligible contributors and their families through their social insurance services.

GOSI operates independently both administratively and financially and is overseen by an eight-member board of directors. This board includes the Minister of Finance as Chairman, the GOSI Governor, and representatives from the Ministries of Human Resources and Social Development, Finance, and Economy and Planning, as well as experts in Financial Services and Risks, Mergers, Institutional Structure Design, and Governance. GOSI conducts its activities through its Head Office and 21 field offices located across various regions and governorates in Saudi Arabia.

The Importance of GOSI Portal UAE : A Complete Guide for Employees and Employers

GOSI plays a crucial role in providing social security for both employees and employers in Saudi Arabia. For employees, GOSI offers financial support during retirement, disability, or death, ensuring a stable and secure future. This social insurance coverage provides employees with peace of mind and a safety net to rely on.

For employers, GOSI helps in managing social insurance benefits for their employees, ensuring compliance with the Social Insurance Law. Employers are required to contribute a percentage of their employees’ wages to GOSI, and this contribution helps in providing the necessary benefits to employees.

GOSI also promotes stability in the labor market by providing a comprehensive social security system. By offering social insurance coverage, GOSI contributes to the overall well-being and social development of the workforce in Saudi Arabia.

Overall, GOSI is essential for both employees and employers, providing financial security, social welfare, and compliance with the Social Insurance Law.

Preparing to Use the GOSI Portal

Before using the GOSI portal, it is important to complete the necessary preparations and gather the required documents. GOSI registration is the preliminary step to access the services and benefits provided by GOSI.

To register with GOSI, individuals and establishments need to provide essential documents and information. These documents may include the Iqama number, employment contract, and other relevant information. Gathering these documents in advance will ensure a smooth registration process of GOSI and enable individuals and establishments to make the most of the GOSI portal, including obtaining their GOSI salary certificate.

Essential Documents and Information Needed

To complete the GOSI registration process and access the services provided by GOSI, individuals and establishments need to gather the following essential documents and information:

  • Iqama Number: The Iqama number is a unique identification number issued to residents in Saudi Arabia. It is required for GOSI registration.
  • Employment Contract: The employment contract includes details such as the employee’s position, salary, and other relevant employment information. It is necessary to provide a copy of the employment contract during GOSI registration.
  • Saudi National Information: For Saudi nationals, additional information may be required, such as the national ID card or passport details.

Creating an Account: A Preliminary Step

Creating an account is a preliminary step to accessing the GOSI portal and its services. The account creation process involves online registration and the provision of necessary information. Here are the steps to create an account on the GOSI portal:

  • Visit the GOSI Online Registration Portal: To begin the process, individuals or establishments need to visit the GOSI online registration portal, which serves as the central platform for registration procedures.
  • Select Beneficiary Type: Upon reaching the portal, individuals or establishments will be prompted to select their beneficiary type from three available options: Contributor, Establishment, or Hospital.
  • Click on ‘Register’: After selecting the beneficiary type, individuals or establishments need to click on the ‘Register’ button to initiate the registration process.
  • Enter Required Details: On the registration page, individuals or establishments need to fill in all the requested details accurately, including the email address and password. Ensuring the accuracy of this information is crucial for successful registration.
  • Enter Captcha and Proceed: After entering the required details, individuals or establishments will encounter a Captcha verification step. It is essential to enter the Captcha accurately to validate the registration request. Once done, click on ‘Proceed’ to move forward in the registration process.
  • Validate Details and Complete Registration: Upon proceeding, individuals or establishments may receive a validation code via the provided email address. Entering this code in the designated space will validate the provided details, and the registration process will be nearly complete. Users will be prompted to finalize their registration.

Step-by-step Guide to Navigating the GOSI Portal

The GOSI portal provides a straightforward process for navigating its features and accessing the services and benefits offered by GOSI. By following simple steps, individuals and establishments can make the most of the GOSI portal. The step-by-step guide below will help users navigate the GOSI portal effectively:

  1. Step 1: Logging in to Your Account: Use your GOSI account credentials to log in to the GOSI portal.
  2. Step 2: Navigating the Dashboard: Once logged in, explore the dashboard to access various features and services.
  3. Step 3: Registering for GOSI Services: If needed, register for specific GOSI services through the portal.
  4. Step 4: Submitting a GOSI Payment: Use the portal to submit payments towards GOSI contributions.
  5. Step 5: Checking Contribution Statements: Access and review contribution statements through the portal.
  6. Step 6: Applying for GOSI Certificates: If required, apply for GOSI certificates through the portal.

By following these simple steps, users can navigate the GOSI portal effectively and make the most of its services and features.

GOSI Contributions and Benefits

GOSI contributions and benefits are essential aspects of the social insurance system in Saudi Arabia. Here’s an overview of GOSI contributions and benefits:

  • GOSI Contributions: Both employers and employees contribute to GOSI funds. Employers are required to contribute a percentage of their employees’ wages, while employees also contribute a percentage of their earnings. These contributions collectively form the basis for various social insurance benefits provided by GOSI.
  • Social Insurance Benefits: GOSI offers a wide range of benefits to eligible contributors and their families. These benefits include financial support for retirement, disability, or death, ensuring a decent standard of living post-employment. Moreover, medical care is provided for contributors affected by work-related injuries or occupational diseases, along with compensation for occupational disability or death.

Understanding Your Contributions

Understanding your contributions to GOSI is crucial for managing your social insurance coverage effectively. Here’s what you need to know about your contributions:

  • Contribution Deposits: Both employers and employees make contributions to GOSI funds. Employers contribute a percentage of their employees’ wages, while employees contribute a percentage of their earnings.
  • Tenure of Contribution: The duration of your contribution to GOSI determines your eligibility for various social insurance benefits. The longer your contribution tenure, the more benefits you may be entitled to.

Exploring the Benefits Available

GOSI offers a range of benefits to eligible contributors and their families. Here’s an overview of the benefits available:

  • Retirement Benefits: GOSI provides financial support for eligible contributors during retirement, ensuring a stable and secure future.
  • Permanent Disability Benefits: In cases of permanent disability resulting from work-related injuries or occupational diseases, GOSI offers compensation to eligible contributors.
  • Medical Care: GOSI provides medical care for contributors affected by work-related injuries or occupational diseases, including diagnosis, treatment, medication, and medical supplies.


Navigating the GOSI Portal UAE can be simplified by understanding its key highlights and importance for both employees and employers. By preparing with essential documents and following a step-by-step guide, you can efficiently manage your GOSI profile, contributions, and benefits. Troubleshooting issues like forgotten passwords is crucial, as is staying informed about common FAQs. Embrace this comprehensive guide to ensure a seamless experience on the GOSI Portal for a hassle-free process.

About Arnifi

Arnifi is digital first Corporate service provider helping companies enter the Middle East region, starting with UAE and Saudi Arabia markets. Founded and backed by professionals from Amazon, Souq and other large companies operating in KSA – the team understands what it takes to succeed as a startup in both UAE and Saudi Arabian markets, apart from going through the setup process multiple times. Arnifi will provide a truly digital experience to entry and scale up of companies both UAE and Saudi Arabia. Discover tailored solutions and strategic partnerships that propel your business forward. Check out at – for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I update my salary information on the GOSI Portal?

To update your salary information on the GOSI portal, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your GOSI portal account.
  • Navigate to the profile management section.
  • Select the salary information or wage section.
  • Update the relevant details, including your basic salary and housing allowance.
  • Save the changes to update your salary information on the GOSI portal.

By following these steps, you can easily update your salary information on the GOSI portal and ensure that your social insurance contributions are accurate and up to date.

Can I register for GOSI if I’m working part-time?

Yes, individuals working part-time in the private sector can register for GOSI and obtain social insurance coverage. GOSI provides coverage for both full-time and part-time employees, ensuring that all eligible individuals have access to social insurance benefits.

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